Make sure that your OS is Linux and Python is 3.8.* or newer.
VF3Py can be installed using this command:
pip install --upgrade vf3py
Test your installation:
>>> import vf3py.test
>>> vf3py.test.run_tests()
(...lots of output...)
If you prefer to check that everything works manually, run a simple test code:
import vf3py
import networkx as nx
source_graph = nx.Graph()
source_graph.add_edges_from([[0, 1]])
target_graph = nx.Graph()
target_graph.add_edges_from([['A', 'B']])
x = vf3py.get_exact_isomorphisms(source_graph, target_graph)
# The output should be [{0: 'A', 1: 'B'}, {0: 'B', 1: 'A'}]